Thermostats vs Programmable Thermostats: Optimize Your Home Heating
In room temperature regulation, there are two types of devices: the Thermostat and the Programmable Thermostat.
Regulation can occur room by room, in this sense, the common thermostat is used which adapts well to underfloor heating or to offices equipped with a fan coil (convector) for each room.
Conversely, the programmable thermostat also includes a clock, which can be daily or weekly depending on the model. The programmable thermostat controls the entire system and the operation of all radiators based on the set programs.
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The thermostat is used for the regulation of a single room. It can control a valve on the main manifold of the outputs for an area served by cast iron or aluminum radiators, or it can power the fans of a common Fan Coil.
For underfloor heating, the thermostat can close the valve of the area that is to be temporarily excluded upon reaching the desired room temperature.
The thermostat should always be installed in the reference area for optimal regulation.
Programmable Thermostat
Unlike the common thermostat, the programmable thermostat regulates heating not only based on room temperature but also according to operating times.
Programmable thermostats can be set on a weekly or daily basis.
Weekly Programmable Thermostats
Suitable for families with regular working hours, weekly programmable thermostats allow for different programming for weekdays and weekends, with varying temperatures for each day.
While slightly more complicated to program, once set up, they maintain the programmed schedule year after year.
For those with shift work schedules, the use of a smart WIFI-enabled programmable thermostat is advisable.
WIFI Programmable Thermostats
Recently, advanced weekly heating regulation thermostats have entered the market, manageable through dedicated smartphone applications. There are many manufacturers, for example, the programmable thermostats from:
- Netatmo: allow, in addition to programming via smartphone and remote control, a comprehensive section on apartment statistics. The design is also very refined.
- Tado°: Allow control of the heat pump, simulating the remote control of the split unit.
Daily Programmable Thermostats
Daily programmable thermostats represent the simplest version of these time-regulation devices. They are particularly suitable for retired families who do not need to differentiate between weekdays and weekends.
They fully meet the regulation requiring an account of at least 2 temperatures for the 24 hours of the day.